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Example - Tri-lingual Serbian Cyrillic / Latin / Greek keyboard

Installer package: KbdEditInstallerSerbianLatinCyrillicAndGreek.exe

Layout file: Serbian Latin, Cyrillic and Greek.zip

You can use the installer package to deploy this keyboard layout without any restrictions. Free Demo version can be used to make changes and test them. To deploy a modified version, a Premium, Personal or Lite edition is needed.

This example demonstrates how to use both togglable KANA and Caps Lock to support up to three different alphabets / layouts on one single keyboard layout. One language is assigned to each one of the three states:

  1. Caps OFF, KANA OFF
  2. Caps ON, KANA OFF
  3. KANA ON

The step-by-step guide below describes how to create a tri-lingual layout supporting Serbian Latin, Serbian Cyrillic and Greek. This layout would be very useful to a hypothetical Greek ex-pat in Serbia (or vice-versa) - they would have to use all three layouts on a daily basis..

The same technique can be used for any other language/alphabet. The only limitation is that the layouts assigned to KANA OFF (1. and 2.) cannot use dead keys and ligatures on keys with "Separate mapping for Caps Lock". The two are still allowed on the keys unaffected by Caps Lock, and in the KANA ON state.

This is why Serbian layouts are mapped to KANA OFF: the few dead keys used in Serbian Latin are mapped to AltGR + number keys, which are unaffected by Caps Lock. Greek, which needs dead chars on letter keys, is mapped to KANA ON.

Scroll below the snapshots for a step-by-step guide.

KbdEdit example Serbian Latin / Cyrillic / Greek - base state Serbian Latin
Caps OFF, KANA OFF state - Serbian Latin
KbdEdit example Serbian Latin / Cyrillic / Greek - Caps Lock ON state Serbian Cyrillic
Caps ON, KANA OFF state - Serbian Cyrillic
KbdEdit example Serbian Latin / Cyrillic / Greek - alternate KANA ON state Greek
KANA ON state - Greek
  1. Start by opening the Serbian (Latin) layout (KLID 0000081A).
  2. Switch to High level editor.
  3. For all letter-producing keys, change Effect of Caps Lock from "Caps Lock same as Shift" to "Separate mapping for Caps Lock".
  4. Set Base, Caps on as the active state: click the base button (just below the "Current key" combo), then click the Caps on button (to the left edge of the main window, just above the Unicode palette)
  5. Start another instance of KbdEdit, and open Serbian (Cyrillic) layout (00000C1A). Ensure that base is active position. This layout will be used as a drag-drop source for Cyrillic letter.
  6. One by one, drag all lower-case Cyrillic letters from base position in the second instance, and drop them onto the same keys in the first instance (for more details see example Multi-alphabet Serbian Cyrillic/Latin keyboard).
  7. If Auto-map upper/lower case is active, the Shift, Caps on positions will be automatically mapped to upper-case Cyrillic letters. Otherwise you will have to map them manually, by repeating the previous step with Shift as the active position in both instances.
  8. The mapping of Serbian Cyrillic to Caps ON positions is now complete.
  9. Switch to the Dead char editor.
  10. Use Import dead table from another layout to import Greek dead table from the Greek layout (00000408). Make sure you select Merge with current dead table to preserve the dead characters from Serbian (Latin).
  11. The next step is to enable the togglable KANA, and map Greek letters to its positions. This technique is explained in detail in example Multi-lingual English/French keyboard - everything explained there still applies, except that you will be using Greek instead of English as the drag-drop source.
  12. The Greek dead characters ΄ (Tonos), ¨ (Dialytika) and ΅ (Dialytika Tonos) need extra attention: when they are dropped to Kana positions, you will be prompted to choose whether to map them as "Normal" or "dead key" - make sure you choose dead key, so that they retain their "dead" quality.
  13. If you want to preserve Greek AltGR mappings, you will have to drag-drop them as well, after activating KANA+AltGR position first (see Modifiers).

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