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Register Layout DLL file

The "Register Layout DLL" dialog is opened through the File | Register Layout DLL file menu item.

Warning: this is an advanced feature which is not recommended for common backup and distribution tasks - the use of Export / Import KBE file is strongly advised.

A keyboard layout DLL is managed automatically by KbdEdit throughout its entire lifetime: when you create a new layout using Save As or Import KBE / KLC file, every detail of the creation and registration of the layout DLL file is taken care of by KbdEdit. Conversely, Delete keyboard layout will take care of deleting the underlying DLL file if you tell it so.

However, in certain rare situations you might need to register a layout DLL which is known to exist in the System32 directory, but doesn't have a corresponding registration entry in the Windows installed layouts list. Some of the possible reasons would be:

  • You have used Delete keyboard layout to delete a layout without checking Delete layout file. The underlying DLL file still exists in the System32 directory, and you would like to bring it back.
  • For whatever reason, you have decided to backup / distribute "raw" layout DLLs instead of using the recommended Export / Import KBE file commands.
  • You need to register a custom layout DLL created by another tool.
  • You would like to "borrow" a layout DLL introduced in a more recent version of Windows (e.g. Inuktitut - Naqittaut which is supported in Windows Vista) and install it in an older version (e.g. XP, 2000) where it is not supported out of the box.
  • You need to register an existing layout under a different name and/or language (i.e. locale).

In any case, it is entirely up to you to ensure that the DLL file you are registering is valid and matches your platform (32-bit DLLs cannot be installed on 64-bit Windows and vice-versa). Attempting to register an incorrect or corrupted DLL file can crash KbdEdit and adversely affect your system's stability.

KbdEdit dialog Register keyboard layout DLL file

When the "Register Layout DLL" dialog is opened, the Layout file to register combo box is filled with all keyboard DLL files found in the System32 directory. Check-box Show only unregistered files makes it easier to locate unregistered DLLs.

The information pane in the lower half displays detailed info about the file selected in the combo. All layouts (if any) using the file are enumerated; if the file has been created by KbdEdit, its preferred layout name and locale are also shown.

The fields Register as and Layout text define layout's registration attributes. In the case of a KbdEdit-generated file, they are pre-filled with the language / name under which the file was originally registered. Whatever the origin of the file, you should review the attributes, and make sure they are given meaningful values and that the "Layout text" is unique.

When all the parameters are set, click Import to register the selected DLL. This will allocate a new KLID and create the necessary registry entries - the registered layout file becomes a fully fledged member of the system list of installed layouts.

Checking the Add to language bar list check-box will also add the newly registered layout to the Language bar list.

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